Call of Duty WW2 Zombies Final Reich Pack-a-Punch Accessing the Bunker. In CoD WW2 Zombies mode, you're going to want to upgrade your weapons using the Pack-a-Punch machine, if you want to stand a hope of surviving the higher rounds of the endless horde mode.In this. Weitere Lösungen und Cheats zu Call of Duty: WWII findet in unserer Komplettlösung zum. In diesem Guide zeigen wir euch wie ihr die Pack-A-Punch Maschine im Zombie Modus The Final Reich von Call of Duty WW2 aktivieren könnt. The Pack-a-Punch weapon upgrade station is located in the sewers section of the Final Reich map, so you’re going to have to turn on the power, clear out the sewers using the fire trap, and make it to the Command Room before you can even think about unlocking the Pack-a-Punch machine for use by your team.Call of Duty: WWII - Pack-a-Punch Maschine freischalten. Where is pack a punch in ww2 the final Reich? The Pack-a-Punched version of the Ray Gun is called “Porter’s X2 Ray Gun” and is chrome with engravings, the “ray” is also turned red instead of the usual green….Call of Duty: World at War.Ray GunPorter’s X2 Ray GunMax ammo20/16040/200Reload3 sec.3 sec.MobilityVery highVery high5 more rows Just stand in place in front and take the hit to make sure the compartment opens. The large zombies need to hit the gray door-like compartment one the exterior wall.