Fixes a bug in photomode where you saw two bodies. Fixes cam 0 would be loaded in, when it didn't exist. Added a carCam key '8' to enable the car camera when in car as a work around. Reverted to V6.1, so no crouch but car BUG again. Added debug buttons, for example weaponOverride. Made it work for patch 1.1 and CET 1.9.2. Fixed double clothing issue in photomode. Removed Seam Fix, you can download that on nexus mods if you want it. Added consistend head check to see if it is still on. Saving zoom level of camera for different views, so you dont have to set that everytime. Saving settings for restarting the game / reload all mods. Added camera position to set in game (Movement and rotation), and remember them for each camera. Added better interactions (doors not working yet), but items and talking to mission player do work. Fixed not able to go into TPP when in scene.
Added also better rotation for up and down. Added a way to let the collar stay on while exiting the car. Added removed grey seam inscript for male and female. Fixed issue where you can 360 camera in scenes while in first person. Fixed head in Photomode in scenes from issue #13 on github. Fixed in scene and photomode going into FPP. Fixed when enter car in photomode, the crough bug would appear. Move the archive folders and delete interaction-fix, because its causing more harm than it fixes. Added a button in debug menu to reset all the cameras. Fixed WeaponOverride mode for update 1.23. To disable this, Open the debug menu and click the weaponOverride button
With weaponOverride set to true, the camera will revert to first person when a weapon is drawn.