So, after the introductory group of enemies is killed, destroy one generator, deal with the enemies that show up until they are no more, and then destroy the next generator, and so on and so forth. In other words, if you eliminate all three generators in sequence, you're going to find yourself heavily inundated with more waves of enemies than you can realistically handle. Rather, you're going to want to eliminate a single generator at a time, taking out the wave(s) of enemies that are catalyzed after each generator's destruction, before eliminating the next one. By downing these generators, you'll get to go after Kuril himself, but this isn't something you're going to want to rush into. It's at this time that you'll no doubt notice that Kuril's shield is being fed by three generators strewn throughout the room.

Immediately seek cover and begin to take out the initial wave of enemies, which should be simple enough to do. This is the final battle on the prison ship, so get ready for a bit of a doozy. At this point, you'll gain control of your party once more. Meanwhile, some of his most elite guards will do their best to protect him from. Warden Kuril snipes at some prisoners going after him, and then binds himself into a protective shield.

When you enter this next room, you'll witness a brief cutscene. Hack open the wall safe for credits and grab whatever else is in the room for you to acquire, and then press forward once more. When you press out of the far end of the room, you'll find a room very similar to the one you pillaged before entering the previous area. Make sure your primary weapons are chock-full of ammo before continuing onward, as you're going to need all of the ammo you can get shortly. While you're not bound to find any items per se, you'll find plenty of ammunition. When all is quiet on the enemy front, you should then take the time to explore this wide-open room before proceeding. Any stragglers left in the room can be dealt with at this time as well. The last holdouts here will be firing on you from a bridge on the far end of the room, so take cover wherever it's most convenient, and return fire on their positions until they are no more. Whittle down his barriers and shields until you can do damage to his body itself, which will force him to fall rather quickly. Eventually, you'll be forced back upward out of the ditch, where another YMIR Mech can be found.