This shiny Chest Piece can be mistaken as a mirror upon wearing it.
Once you kill him, his helmet will be within his corpse, surprised?. You must kill Duna to get his awesome helmet!. There you will find the Cursed Knight of Duna. Head to the Dwarfen Temple on the Nameless Isle. If you need an extra point in Warfare, it gives you +1 in Warfare!. Duna’s Helm provides you with +20% Earth Resistance!. It comes with +3 Strength and +3 Constitution!. This Helmet will give you 146 Physical Armor and 20 Magic Armor. If you have a Warrior/Tank Build, then this Helmet is a great choice!. It is an exceptional helmet with great attributes!. Duna’s Helm is one of the few good armor pieces found in The Nameless Isle. Within the Nameless Isle, you will find a helmet worthy for your head! During Act 3, it is easy to pass this item up, but if you read below, you will be able to find its whereabouts!
With this Dwarven Helmet, you’ll still have space for a beard! The best playthroughs of Divinity requires you to have strong armor! In order to have the strength and capability to end your foes, you need to be armored up from head to toe! In this article, I will provide you with some of the best Armor Pieces in Divinity Original Sin II and where to find them! This list will get you through battles and is ordered from least recommended to most recommended!