The focus of the build is offensive stats, favoring kill speed over defenses. It is a melee dual-based build with excellent scalability and the ability to clear the complete content of the game. This build is one of the bread and butter builds in Titan Quest. These builds are also designed around not being too gear dependent in order to work. All the builds are viable and can become very strong. Mind that these builds are in no way ordered around viability. This guide aims to quickly outline a couple of builds as starter-ideas for your newest Titan Quest adventure. Titan Quest Build Guide: An In Depth Look at Stats and Armor If you, like others, have decided to fire up your remastered version of Titan Quest and are looking to enjoy a fresh boost of nostalgia, you probably might need some inspiration. The anniversary edition that came out inwith the subsequent expansions in and have breathed fresh air into the life of an old classic. What you should do is use Ice Shards as long as it's damage is still good, and then drop the skill and switch to ternion attacking with a staff after it starts sucking major.Titan Quest is one of the old ARPG classics that have probably had a great influence on the future of the genre. It'll slow down and debuff anything that gets near you, which could make it easier to kite stuff.

You got dark covenant which is a mana regen + damage buff, at the cost of HP, but if you get a staff with leech on it, you can counteract dark covenant.

Spirit still has some OKish stuff for a mage, even if you don't grab the lich pet. You could put 1 point in Wisp, and max out 'eye of the storm' just for the buff. It's not like the wisp is going to be doing all that much damage, and you're hiding behind pets, etc. Oracle might be what you want, but there is no reason why you shouldn't at least use wisp for the 'eye of the storm' buff which increases your elemental damage. Ternion attack uses your staff's damage, and staff damage keeps going up with higher level drops. Spells like Ice shards can do good damage in normal, and maybe 1/2 way through epic, but at some point you're going to cap out the skill, and it's damage isn't going to increase much beyond that. That's something you need to consider if you want something that's going to be consistently decent. You want something with spirit mastery in it, because in Legendary difficulty, most of the mage spells (outside of CCs) don't scale up enough in damage to be worth using anymore, and Ternion attack with your staff turns into your best damage source.