Here's how it happens, which I didn't mention in the earlier piece. I'd rather it this way than have to wait five hours for my first pink robot, though. So much so that it's incongruous in fact, as you're so under-researched and ill-equipped in terms of the XCOM basics that being able to build mechs or gene-slice so soon makes little sense. Fortunately, Enemy Within doesn't waste much time before dropping in the new stuff. It'd be like having to reintroduce myself to an old friend: no thanks, let's just get straight to the drinking and the in-jokes, please. Much as I'm extremely fond of XCOM, I didn't fancy playing the meatgrinder and glacially slow tech-up early phases all over again. I admit I was grumbling at that before I went in. That means existing savegames and troop rosters are no use: you'll start anew, rookies, no satellite coverage and all. Its purpose is to have you replay the campaign again (in my case, that meant for a fifth time), with new abilities and fewer repetitive missions, rather than to provide a brand new campaign. To reiterate though, this sizeable expansion for Firaxis' speeded-up, more action-focused XCOM do-over adds cyborg soldiers, genetically modified soldiers, a rival human faction and a smattering of new setpiece missions into the game. While I will cover the key points again here, that and this are really two halves of one mega-verdict.

It's probably worth reading my recent preview of Enemy Within before embarking on this wall o'words, as the code I had then was so close to complete that both details and my take on it was pretty damned clear there. Saving the world with a big, pink, French cyborg: this perhaps isn't the XCOM expansion we asked for, but I think it's the one we needed. This time around, we get robo-folk and genetic modification, and one giant leap further away from XCOM's parentage. Enemy Within is a proper expansion - like in the olden days - for last year's XCOM: Enemy Unknown, which was a very different reworking of 90s ultro-classic X-COM: UFO Defense.